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琼 & Kay | 琼 Jennings Bartik and Kay McNulty Mauchly Antonelli holding an ENIAC Decade Ring Counter at the University of Pennsylvania, 2002. ENIAC的女程序员, which included 4 other women not including 琼 and Kay, were rediscovered and recognized as 计算 pioneers in 1996.  The women began to receive acclaim after a series of articles about 琼 and fellow ENIAC programmer, 贝蒂·辛德·霍伯斯顿, 出现在《华尔街日报》上.  The six women programmers were then featured in an article in the IEEE Annals of the History of 计算, 秋天, Vo1. 18, No. 3. (The image of 琼 and Kay with the Decade Ring Counter was taken by Northwest University Marketing and Communication photographer, 达伦·惠特利.  Copyright (c) 2002 和记棋牌娱乐.  版权所有.) 琼 Takes a Tour | 琼 Jennings Bartik standing in front of a display of ENIAC Decade Ring Counters at the U.S. Army Ordnance Museum at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland. (Courtesy of Robert Sheroke, United States Army 研究 Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground.) 琼 at Army Museum | 琼 standing in from of an ENIAC display at the U.S. Army Ordnance Museum at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland.  (Courtesy of Robert Sheroke, United States Army 研究 Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground.)琼 Jennings Bartik WITI Award | Women in Technology International (WITI) inducted six women ENIAC programmers into its Hall of Fame in 1997. 这些女性包括琼 Jennings Bartik, 贝蒂·斯奈德·霍尔伯顿, 凯瑟琳·麦克纳尔蒂,莫切利·安东内利, marilyn Wescoff Meltzer, Frances Bilas Spence and Ruth Lichterman Teitelbaum. 琼's award is on permanent display at the 琼 JENNINGS Bartik 计算 Museum. (Courtesy of 琼 JENNINGS Bartik 计算 Museum)琼获得荣誉博士学位. 迪恩·哈伯德, president of 和记棋牌娱乐, presents 琼 Jennings Bartik with an Honorary Doctor of 科学 Degree. 琼 graduated from Northwest in 1945 with a degree in Mathematics. (Courtesy of 琼 JENNINGS Bartik 计算 Museum)琼 Talks ENIAC in 卡利fornia | 琼 Jennings Bartik discusses her ENIAC years at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, 卡利. (Courtesy of 琼 JENNINGS Bartik 计算 Museum)Portrait of 琼 2008 | 计算 pioneer and Northwest alumna 琼 Jennings Bartik was honored during an awards gala at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, 卡利. (由博士提供). Jon Rickman, Vice President of Information Technology, Northwest Missouri State Univeristy.)琼 and 巴贝奇's Difference Engine | 琼 Jennings Bartik stands in front of Charles 巴贝奇's Difference Engine No. 2, which is on display at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, 卡利. 巴贝奇, 谁出生在伦敦, 12月26日的英格兰, 是一位数学家, 哲学家, inventor and mechanical engineer who originated the concept of a programmable computer. (由博士提供). Jon Rickman, Vice President of Information Technology, 和记棋牌娱乐.)琼 Enshrined in CHM Hall of Fellows | The 计算 Museum at Mountain View, 卡利., is considered the premiere repository of 计算 history in the world. The museum presented 琼 Jennings Bartik with its Fellow Award, 将她供奉在CHM荣誉堂, sometimes described as "the Cooperstown of 计算.(由Dr. Jon Rickman, Vice President of Information Technology, 和记棋牌娱乐.)琼 Receives Fellow Award | As a Computer History Museum Fellow, 琼 Jennings Bartik joins such pre-eminent 计算 figures as Digital Equipment Corp. 创始人肯·奥尔森, 苹果的史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克, programming language pioneer Grace Murray Hopper and Tim Berners-Lee, who made seminal contributions to the development of the World Wide Web. 左:Tim Bartik, 琼的儿子. 中间:琼 Jennings Bartik. 左:John C. 大声叫喊, president and CEO of The 计算 History Museum at Mountain View. (由博士提供). Jon Rickman, Vice President of Information Technology, 和记棋牌娱乐.)琼,我是Linus Torvalds & Bob Metcalfe | Linus Torvalds and Bob Metcalfe were, 和琼一起, 被供奉在CHM院士堂. 左:Linus Torvalds.  中间:琼 Jennings Bartik. 右:鲍勃·梅特卡夫. (由博士提供). Jon Rickman, Vice President of Information Technology, 和记棋牌娱乐.)琼 and Linus Torvalds | Linus Benedict Torvalds was born Dec. 1969年8月28日,芬兰赫尔辛基. Torvalds is a software engineer best known for having initiated the development of the Linux operating system. Torvalds was made a Fellow 和琼一起 and Bob Metcalfe. 左:Linus Tovalds. 中间:琼 Jennings Bartik. 右:鲍勃·梅特卡夫. (由博士提供). Jon Rickman, Vice President of Informaiton Technology, 和记棋牌娱乐.)琼 and Bob Metcalfe | Robert Melancton Metcalfe was born in Brooklyn, New York on April 7. Metcalfe is an electrical engineer who co-invented Ethernet, 创立了3Com并制定了梅特卡夫定律. Bob Metcalfe was made a Fellow 和琼一起 Jennings Bartik and Linus Torvalds. (由博士提供). Jon Rickman, Vice President of Informaiton Technology, 和记棋牌娱乐.)琼,我是Linus Torvalds, Bob Metcalfe和John C. 大声叫喊 | 琼 received the CHM Fellow award "For contributions as one of the first programmers of the groundbreaking ENIAC 计算 system in 1945, and for further assistance in converting the ENIAC system into one of the first stored-program computers.左:约翰C. 大声叫喊. 中左:莱纳斯·托瓦兹. 中右:琼 Jennings Bartik. 右:鲍勃·梅特卡夫.  (由博士提供). Jon Rickman, Vice President of Information Technology, 和记棋牌娱乐.) 琼 as Homecoming Grand Marshall  | 琼 Jennings Bartik rides at the head of the 2007 Homecoming Parade as Grand Marshall with Republican State Representative from Nodaway County, 迈克•汤姆森. (Courtesy of 和记棋牌娱乐's Photographer 达伦·惠特利.)琼 Greets Former Northwest President | 琼 Jennings Bartik greets fromer Northwest President B.D. Owens and his wife at the reception held in her honor at the Nodaway County Historical Society Museum during Homecoming. (Courtesy of 和记棋牌娱乐's Photographer 达伦·惠特利.)

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